Division O Contest

October 27, 2012

Portland Campus

Enid Speakers of the Plains members at the Division O Humorous Contest


Stillwater Club at the Division O Humorous Speech Contest


Stillwater Club members at the Division O Humorous Contest with guest speaker (right with hat) Scotland Souders.


Contest Crowd

Contest Crowd

Ann Sherrod
contestant of the Evaluation contest with Toastmaster Mike Boatman

Nancy Dalrymple
Evaluation Contestant

Shelley Stutchman and Linda Pope
two winners, one club
Enid Speakers of the Plains


Evaluation Contest 1st Place Winner, Stacy Brasher, accepting trophy from Toni Hendrick.

Evaluation Contest
1st Place Winner
Stacy Brasher


Evaluation Contest
2nd Place Winner
Shelley Stutchman


Evaluation Contest
3rd Place Winner
Keith Trolinger


Evaluation Contest
3rd Place
Keith Trolinger
receiving recognition from Toni Hendrick

Humorous Contest
1st Place
Linda Pope


Scotland Souders


Suellen Miller Humorous Speech contestant


Susy Carter Humorous Speech contestant with Mike Boatman contest Toastmaster.


Toni Hendrick
Division O Governor


Humorous Contest
1st Place Winner
Linda Pope


1st Place Humorous Speech Contest winner Linda Pope - accepting trophy from Toni Hendrick.


Humorous Contest
2nd Place Winner
Jonathan King


Toni Hendrick presenting 2nd Place Humorous Contest trophy to Jonathan King.


Humorous Contest
3rd Place Winner
Benjamin Kinney
with Mike Boatman, contest Toastmaster